This disclaimer applies to the websites www.valkmotorparts.nl, www.valkmotorparts.de, www.valkmotorparts.com, www.valkmotorparts.be, www.valkmotive.de, www.valkmotive.com, www.valkmotive.fr, www.valkmotive.es, www.valkmotive.pt, www.valkmotive.it, www.valkmotive,fi, www.valkmotive.se, www.valkmotive.no, www.valkmotive.dk, www.valkmotive.pl, www.valkmotive.ru and www.valkmotive.nl. By making use of these websites, you accept this disclaimer. If the content of this disclaimer is not accepted, we kindly ask that you leave this website immediately.
These websites are owned by the one-man business Valk Motorparts, also operating under the name Valk Motive (hereafter to be called Valk), located at the Henricapolder 3, 3825 LE Amersfoort. The enterprise is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 32109811 and owns the websites www.valkmotorparts.com and www.valkmotive.nl.
Valk employs the utmost accuracy in making, composing, editing and distributing the information on these websites, but is in no way liable for the correctness or completeness of the information. The information provided on or via the websites and on websites linked to the websites is no offer or advice for a specific situation. The information displayed on these websites is exclusively indicative and can be altered at any time without further announcement. No rights can be derived from the information provided on the website.
No liability
Valk does not accept any liability for direct or indirect damage that arises from the use of the websites or of the information displayed on the websites. You as user of the information are responsible for the choice and the use of the information. The information may exclusively be used by you and may not be transferred, multiplied, altered or distributed.
Third parties
The websites can contain hyper links, exclusively intended as additional information, to websites that are offered and maintained by third parties and over which Valk has no control. Valk is therefore not responsible and does not accept any liability for the content or information via those other sources. Users make connections with other sites at their own risk and obligate themselves to use such sites in accordance with the conditions that are connected this use. Showing hyper links also does not mean that there is a cooperation between Valk and the owners of those sites.
Valk does not guarantee that sent emails or other electronic messages will be received and processed on time and does not accept any liability for the consequences of not receiving or processing these or doing so too late.
General Conditions
Valk employs General Conditions for its business activities on the websites. These conditions apply to all offers and agreements with Valk as well as the use of/visitz to the websites. You can view, print and download these conditions via the link on the websites.
Applicable law
The Dutch law applies to these websites and the disclaimer. All disputes on the basis of or in connection to this disclaimer will be judged by the authorised judge in the Netherlands. If translated versions of the disclaimer show discrepancies or lead to interpretation differences, the Dutch version will be considered as the correct version.
Intellectual property
All rights, including author and brand rights and/or other intellectual property rights, that are connected to the content published on the websites by the user, exclusively rest with the user concerned and/or his or her licenser. Valk, or the rightful claimant, retains all rights, including author and brand rights and/or other intellectual property rights, with regard to the content published on the websites by Valk. This includes texts, comparisons, illustrations, graphic materials, (trade) names, logos and brands. None of these rights are passed on to other visitors/users of the websites. The websites and all content may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Visitors and users are not allowed to copy, multiply or distribute any content from the websites or make it available to others in any way without explicit prior written consent from Valk.
Valk can always alter the information on the websites, including the text of this disclaimer, without announcing this beforehand. Valk therefore recommends that you regularly check whether the information on the websites has been altered.
Version 1.0 September 2011